0-1 Knapsack

An Analysis and Design of Algorithm Project


Problem Statement

You are a thief who has a knapsack of capacity C. You break into a bank and see precious jewels of defined weights and prices.
Your objective is to select the jewels in a way that maximises your profit.
Donot do this at home.

NOTE : You are not allowed break the item in any way, any item selected will have to be included completely.

Let's Steal

How Does This Work?

The GUI works in 3 steps :
1. Firstly, you input all the details needed for the program to work (space seperated)
2. Then the program begins. It first prints out 0s in the first Row and Column.
3. Next, it sequentially highlights the squares that are being considered currently (in red) and those from which the max is being taken(in blue).
